RationalReality.com (C) Copyright 1991-2006 Muhammed Asadi |
In the face of such opposition to God and the monopolization of the concept by the organized religions, we come across The Koran (QUR'AN). It is a small, though unique book, in many aspects.
other book claims to be the very words of God as spoken in the first
person. No other book claims to be without error or contradiction,
originating from the one who has "knowledge of everything". No other book
provides falsification to prove it wrong, as demanded by the scientific
community and finally no other book challenges people of learning to a final
debate of authenticity based on knowledge and verification
Please note that this
web site and its link sites are not
affiliated with any group, sect or organization. Its author is against all organized forms of religion in the current world order.
The site represents ISLAM according to the KORAN, contain a scientific analysis
of the Koran and a scientific testing of its claims .
"If we do discover a
complete theory, it should in time be understandable in broad principle by
everyone, not just a few scientists. Then we shall all, philosophers,
scientists and just ordinary people, be able to take part in the discussion
of why it is that we and the universe exist. If we find the answer to that,
it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason- for then we would truly
know the mind of God."
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Envision yourself living in 7th
Century Arabia:
Society has very little scientific knowledge. Bedouin
tribalism is the "dominant feature" of the population (The
Arabs in History , Bernard Lewis (1958), page
23). This mostly desolate area in which you live, is an
"oral" culture, with a "nomadic" lifestyle. Very few people
know how to read, even fewer know how to write. Myth and
magic controls people's thoughts and guides their rituals.
Trade routes to the north (and the resulting contact with
the major Empires) has very recently been restored, after
two centuries of decline and deterioration (The
Middle East: A Brief History of the Last 2,000 Years ,
Bernard Lewis, 1995). How far would you go if you
wanted to discover the true origin of the universe? How much
progress would you make if you wanted to uncover the origin
of life? |
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market mechanism generated by Capitalism lock individuals in a
race for survival, pitting one against the other. |
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(C) Copyright 1991-2006 Muhammed Asadi