"They ask you concerning INTOXICANTS (Alcohol and other Drugs)...Say:
In them is great harm and some benefits for humankind. But the harm of them is
much greater than their benefit."(Koran
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the
United States, uses the criterion of the Koran, given in the above statement,
when it tests any new innovative drug. If the harm or side effects of any drug
are found to exceed their usefulness, they are banned from further production
and marketing. Alcohol is such a "drug." It is the most highly abused "drug" in
the United States. Its harm far exceeds any benefits that it provides when used
as a beverage. Therefore a call to outlaw alcohol and drugs on a community
level, as the Koran suggests, is justified based on objective criteria, criteria
routinely administered by the FDA.
Alcohol consumption in any amount
leads to a physiological tendency to abuse it, based on its effect on the
serotonin levels in the brain. Therefore, the idea of “responsible” drinking is
itself irresponsible .
The Koran's call to completely shun alcohol
and other intoxicants is justified because law has to be applied uniformly. For
the law to be applied justly and uniformly, in order to benefit society as a
whole, those who have a greater tendency to abuse alcohol shouldn't have access
to the drug neither should those who have a lesser tendency to abuse it. Laws
that are applied society-wide cannot discriminate between those with different
tendencies to abuse a harmful substance.
However, for the purpose of
rehabilitation, the Koran allows the use of alcohol based on its principle of
dietary laws being flexible in order to save lives,“without
willful transgression.”(Koran 2:174)
Alcohol is harmful on an
individual and a social level:
1) 60-70% of all crime involves alcohol
and/or other intoxicating drugs. Almost 50% of all violent crimes involve
alcohol. Twenty-four percent of Federal inmates and 49% of State inmates
reported that they were under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs at the
time of their current offense. 36.3% were under the influence of alcohol alone.
Federal research also shows that more than 40% of convicted murderers being held
in jail or State prison, had alcohol as a factor in their crime. Extensive data
is available to show the relationship between violent crime and alcohol. In the
United Kingdom, the British Medical Association, advised the Parliament that
alcohol is a factor in: • 60-70% of homicides • 75% of stabbings • 70% of
beatings • 50% of fights and domestic assaults. According to the Seventh Special
Report to the U.S Congress on Alcohol and Health, "In both animal and human
studies, alcohol more than any other drug, has been linked with a high incidence
of violence and aggression."
Alcohol temporarily increases brain
serotonin function, but after that temporary rise, levels of serotonin fall
below the normal level. This reduced serotonin level is linked to a heightened
vulnerability to depression, increased risk of violent suicide, aggressive and
impulsive behavior, and a tendency to further abuse alcohol, according to the
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). Alcohol consumption in any amount leads
biologically (through serotonin) to a tendency to abuse it. There is no such
thing as “responsible” drinking on a society-wide level.
"…Alcohol, the oldest and most prevalent cause of addiction, is by far
the most prolific activator and deactivator of brain centers. Nothing else comes
close. Not cocaine, not heroin, not nicotine…Using PET scanners, University of
Chicago scientists studied the effects of alcohol on the brain. Since alcohol
affects the pleasure centers of the brain (the limbic network in the mid brain),
it is directly responsible for compulsion, addiction and craving." (Kotulak
"But to modern scientists, the discovery of alcohol's ability
to turn on the brain's reward system is the key to understanding how alcohol
creates a craving so intense that it makes emotion rule over reason. When a
person slips into dependence, alcohol craving becomes a drive as powerful as the
need for food, water, sleep and sex."(Kotulak 1997:116)
Nearly 50% of Automobile fatalities in the U.S. are linked to Alcohol (one death
every 11 minutes according to 1990 estimates). Forty percent of all fatal motor
vehicle crashes involve alcohol. Drunk driving is the nation's most frequently
committed violent act. In 1990, 22,083 people died in car accidents involving
alcohol. This is equivalent to three fully loaded 747s crashing three times a
week, every week for a year. About two in every five Americans will be involved
in an alcohol-related car crash sometimes in their lives.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) results in mental and physical retardation of the
newborn. The incidence of FAS in the United States is 1.9 cases per every 1000
births. Birth defects other than FAS linked to alcohol use are 1 in every 100
births. Statistically these numbers are huge. According to the World Health
Organization (WHO), the net rates for FAS are 1 in 500 for US, Canada, Europe
and Australia combined. In 1991, The Journal of the American Medical Association
(JAMA) reported that FAS (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome) is the leading known cause of
mental retardation in Western Civilization (see http://come-over.to/FAS)
4) As many as half the young offenders appearing in provincial court may
be there because their mothers drank (alcohol) during pregnancy, says Royal
University Hospital psychologist Josephine Nanson. (See,
5) Almost 78% of all
assaults, most of them involving men beating women, are committed under the
influence of alcohol. In the United States, a man beats a woman every 15
seconds. Two-thirds (75%) of partner abuse victims in the US report that alcohol
had been a factor. For spouse abuse victims, the offender was drinking three out
of four times (See, http://www.tf.org/alcohol/ariv/reviews/dvrev5.html)
6) Alcohol causes permanent damage to the brain, liver and most internal
organs of the consumer. It is a poison, which the body tries to get rid of the
moment it is consumed. An enzyme in the stomach, alcohol dehydrogenase, tries to
neutralize the ethanol content in alcoholic beverages, treating it as a poison.
Since women have a higher proportion of body fat and less water in their bodies,
this means that alcohol will be less diluted and have a greater effect on them
compared to men. Also, the enzyme in the stomach that neutralizes ethanol,
alcohol dehydrogenase, in women is 70-80% less effective than it is in men.
Alcohol, therefore, causes even greater harm to women. In women that drink
heavily, cirrhosis of the liver sets in within 13 years compared to the 22 years
for men (see http://www.alcohol.or/nz).
7) Alcohol acts as a
"stepping-stone" for other "higher" drugs like Marijuana, Cocaine and Heroine.
Those who don't do alcohol don't experiment with other drugs (Siegel, Sienna
1994). This is in contrast to “stimulants” like caffeine, which don't figure out
in this “stepping stone”.
According to the National Institute on Drug
Abuse (NIDA), treatment data suggests, “Increasing proportions of persons
treated for alcohol problems also have drug problems.” Thus, the “drug war” can
never be won without outlawing alcohol.
8) According to NIDA, the
economic cost to society of alcohol was estimated at $148 billion in 1992. When
adjusted for inflation and population growth, the cost increases over 12.5%
every year. (See http://www.nida.nih.gov/EconomicCosts/Index.html).
Recently, the alcohol industry started a new marketing scam, terming
alcohol use beneficial to health. The contingencies involved in such negligible
"benefits", that were advertised with "passion", are such that they have not
accrued on aggregate levels at all. We haven't seen deaths related to heart
disease go down since these "benefits" were advertised, in the United States.
What we see is that deaths directly related to alcohol, are high in every
country where alcohol is part of the culture (Weeks 2000). We can conclude
therefore that the harms of alcohol far exceed any benefits that it has when
used as a beverage.
" A great deal of publicity has
been given to the beneficial effects of red wine in keeping heart disease rates
lower in France than in the United States, but closer inspection of death rates
suggests that red wine has not protected the French against other causes of
death (related to alcohol), …10% of all deaths in France are traceable to
alcohol consumption (higher than that in the US·)." (Weeks 2000:126-127)
Jean Kilbourne (1999) effectively summarizes the ironies involved
with alcohol use in Western culture. The description unmasks the nature of this
instrument of oppression and its effective use to trap the masses:
" In the case of alcohol, we
drink to feel glamorous and sophisticated, and often end up staggering,
vomiting, and screaming. We drink to feel courageous and are overwhelmed by fear
and a sense of impeding doom. We drink to have better sex, but alcohol
eventually makes most of us sexually dysfunctional. We do this to ourselves
because of our disease, but we also do it in a cultural climate in which people
who understand the nature of our disease, surround us with powerful images,
associating alcohol with glamour, courage, sexiness and love, precisely what we
need to believe in order to stay in denial. Above all, we drink to feel
connected and, in the process we destroy all possibility of real intimacy and
end up profoundly isolated…"(Kilbourne 1999:250)
Kilbourne, Jean. Deadly Persuasion. 1999. The
Free Press. Kotulak, Ronald. Inside the Brain: Revolutionary Discoveries of
how the mind works. 1997. Andrews & Mcmeal Weeks, Robert J. Population:
An introduction to concepts and issues. 2000. Wadsworth Publishing Company.