The Unifying Theory of
Koran and Nature's Testimony

In the past few decades, physicists have
uncovered a hidden order in nature; some have called it the
Cosmic Code. Based on this order, scientists aim to uncover
a grand unifying Theory of Everything (TOE). Once this order
is decoded, it is envisioned by some that all fields of
knowledge could be linked together based upon it. Using the
work of experts in various fields, this book links testable
scientific evidence in the Koran with modern discoveries
that lead to a normative decoding of that order. The book is
unique and has the potential to evoke great interest among
scientists and lay people alike because of its
non-traditional linking of science and religion. The work
leading to the writing of this book, and the book itself can
well be described as the “most important discovery” of the
modern era. It also presents the Koran as a “falsifiable”
scientific theory, which years of scientific inquiry have
provided testable evidence for. It is a coherent
presentation of the author’s life work, a collection of over
15 years of research carried out by him.
The Unifying Theory of Everything
Author: Muhammed A. Asadi
ISBN: 0-595-12904-8
Publisher: Writer's Club Press
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Islam & Christianity
Conflict or Conciliation?

The "industry" of
manufacturing the "word of God" was in vogue in ancient
times when religion was the most powerful institution in
society. Thus the elite whenever they wanted to convince
people of something, to further their economic gain, used
religion. This not only distorted and ruined the genuine
"words of God", it created mischief and corruption in
society which ultimately got blamed on religion. It was not
religion but pseudo-religion and constructed books, like
parts of the Bible, that got institutionalized and caused
great harm and injustice to humanity.
The Koran, coming to reform such a world, presented itself
as a criterion to distinguish true from false (Koran 2:185),
based on the principles of science and rationality. It
termed nature as being the reflections of God's will (Sunna
in Arabic). It termed the careful analysis of nature and
contemplation based on it, as a duty for every believer
(Koran 3:195). The history of modern science began with the
Koran. Muslims inspired by the Koran did pioneering
foundation building work in all fields of modern science,
thus sparking the European Renaissance.
Robert Briffault,
the renowned historian, states in his
"The Making of Humanity":
It is highly probable that but for the
Arabs, modern European civilization would have never assumed
that character which has enabled it to transcend all
previous phases of evolution. For although there is not a
single aspect of human growth in which the decisive
influence of Islamic culture is not traceable, nowhere is it
so clear and momentous as in the genesis of that power which
constitutes the paramount distinctive force of the modern
world and the supreme course of its victory-natural
sciences and the scientific spirit... What we call
science arose in Europe as a result of a new spirit of
inquiry; of new methods of investigation, of the method of
experiment, observation, measurement, of the development of
Mathematics in a form unknown to the Greeks. That spirit and
those methods were introduced into the European world by the
Islam & Christianity
Conflict or Conciliation?
Author: Muhammed A. Asadi
A Comparative/Textual Analysis of the
Koran and the Bible
ISBN: 0-595-21258-1
Publisher: Writer's Club Press
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Living By The Sword:
The War Addiction Of America's Elite
As the continuous
drift towards war becomes a permanent way of life,
institutions that describe our lives are altered for its
accommodation. By placing facts within their institutional
context, this book uncovers the intricate connections
between the military/economic alliance in America and the
resulting globalization of poverty. Using the depth of the
sociological imagination, the author provides a picture of
reality that is often overlooked by journalists and
commentators who routinely report facts detached from their
sociological roots.
“M. Asadi's essay on the United States war in Iraq is
both passionate in its commitment to human rights and rich
in its use of data. It draws skillfully on C. Wright Mills
and other scholars to paint a devastating portrait of the
war, but also to reflect profoundly on the policies of the
United States and their human consequences all over the
Howard Zinn

In The Shadow Of Empire
Life & Death Under Us Domination

We have studied and analyzed the problems. Those problems have easy solutions.
Why they are not tried is because of monopoly of power and wealth at the
command of vested interests. This does not mean that alternatives, both
as solution and voice, do not exist. It means that the alternatives are
choked to death before being tried because the few that dominate the
system have too much to lose, even as the very existence of humanity is
at stake, about which they do not care. Capitalism’s suicide bombers
worship profits and are willing to kill and be killed for them; they are
the “higher terrorists” that operate on much larger scales than the
bogeymen, the petty terrorists they claim to fight. In trying to kill
the world for short-term profits, they eventually end up killing
themselves and the earth. For the sake of humanity, they must be stopped
and their policies challenged on every forum and upon every occasions .
Global Apartheid &
The World Economic Order
Racism, The West & The Third World

In the
late Middle Ages, different regions of the world were almost
equally developed. Then, in the course of a few hundred
years, Western economic and political domination in the
world led to pockets of development and underdevelopment,
wealth and poverty, coexisting in close proximity to each
other. A clear pattern emerged on a global and local scale.
The emerging dominant philosophy was Capitalism, the driving
force behind which was competition, based on ideas similar
to Social Darwinism. As a result, an ideology of superiority
emerged within the ruling elite, an idea that led to the
patterned underdevelopment of certain groups of people on a
local and global scale within the interconnected World
System. Using sound economic and sociological analysis, this
book unravels the global apartheid system and the channels
through which it operates to bring misery upon the vast
majority of humankind.
Author: Muhammed A. Asadi
ISBN: 0-595-26763-7
Publisher: Writer's Club Press
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The Justice Paradigm...

In the
past few decades, as progress has been made in the physical
sciences, a hidden order has been revealed in nature.
Physicists call it the Cosmic Code. It is an intelligently
designed, normative order, the "values" in which can be
derived by analogy from indicators. It is written in a
language that humanity can understand the language of
mathematics. In attempting to understand that message, of
which only a small part has been decoded, scientists aim to
uncover a grand unifying Theory of Everything.
Contrary to the "natural order" conjectured by Herbert
Spencer (1820-1903) in his Social Darwinism, the Theory of
Everything will present objective reality of a normative and
positive nature based on the larger scale governance of the
universe. It will transcend all societies. The Justice
Paradigm is the first book that attempts to uncover that
normative order, based upon the
Koran and scientific sociology.
The Justice Paradigm
Author: Muhammed A. Asadi
ISBN: 0-595-20896-7
Publisher: Writer's Club Press
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